First, I love my husband. Today when I got to work there was a vase of 12 roses and a bag with a teddy bear and chocolate covered strawberries inside. He's so good at doing cute things like that and it's just one of the many qualities I love about him.
Secondly, and on a lighter note, kids are so lovable. I go to my mom's school and help in her 1st grade class about three times a week. I often complain and am usually not excited to get up early to hang art projects from the ceiling, but the kids always put a smile on my face. When ever I walk in they all say (at different times), "Jaaay mee!" and I usually get about 10 or so hugs from those who aren't following directions and run out of their seats to put their arms around me. I then get a second round of hugs when I'm out in the hall and they walk by in their line to go to computers or lunch. And, if I'm lucky, a few hugs when I'm leaving. One day, I walked into the gym, while they were having P.E. and was attacked by the whole class. They knocked me over and I had a pretty nice bruise on both knees.
There's a little boy named Cairo, who looks like he should be in kindergarten he's so little, that seems to really like me. It takes him a little longer to finish his work, so I seem to spend a lot of time working with him. Today he told me he loved me and it was so stinking cute. Then, another boy made fun of him so he kept saying it over and over just to be funny.
Lastly, I've heard from so many of my friends, who are moms, that the love they feel for their babies is so incredible. I can't wait to someday share that feeling of not knowing that you could love someone as much as you love your little girl or boy.
And I love all of you! Happy Valentines Day!