Way back in October, we went to Wheeler Farm with some people in our ward to do the wagon ride, corn maze and get a pumpkin. All for $7, not bad. We had a lot of fun trying to push the stroller through the straw of the corn maze.
A few young moms in our neighborhood have started a play group and for our first activity we went to a pumpkin patch. Jayda loved being able to walk around everywhere and picked up anything she could.
I can't believe it, but Jayda is already 1 year old! We had a small get together and it was a lot of fun. The invite:

I worked hard to put this table display together, so I just had to put it on here. The banner alone took me probably 3 hours, but it was worth it! Thanks to Rachel for helping me with the invite, banner and cupcake toppers. Thanks to Liz for helping me bake the night before and Rachelle for helping me decorate that morning. I think it turned out pretty cute and everyone had a good time.
I have somehow lost a bunch of our pictures from her birthday party, but here's one of everyone singing "Happy Birthday" and Jayda trying to figure out what's going on.

And, of course, getting a little messy as she digs in to that cute, over-sized cupcake. The whole night was a lot of fun and Jayda loved all the attention.

Just 3 days after Jayda's birthday, my sister had her first baby, Zoey, and I became an aunt for the second time (I'll be an aunt for the third time in just a couple weeks when Clark's sister has her second)! Pretty cute little babe.

Clark and I at the hospital holding new little baby Zoey. She is a great baby and seems to only cry when she's hungry... every 4 hours! My sister doesn't know how lucky she has it!

And then, it was Halloween! We went to a fun party with some friends from our neighborhood to eat delicious food and play games. Thanks Heather!
Jayda in her kitty costume. I tried to do the whiskers, but I should've known better. She would hardly let me draw on her face, let alone leave them on for the whole night. She was a pretty cute little kitty though!
We also went up to Laura's cabin to have a fun high school friends and husbands party. We always get together for Halloween and this year was one to remember. We ate, played games and stayed up late just talking and laughing. I'm really lucky to have such great friends with great husbands!

Wow it looks like that party was so cute! She is so big. Loved seeing you guys last week!
Yay for pictures! Her party turned out so dang cute! Great job little lady! Crazy that they're one right?! Times sure passes quickly. I love your Halloween costumes! Very spooky!
Wish we could have been there to see Jayda turn 1! We are just sitting downstairs on Thanksgiving (it's 5:00am) because there is a Tornado Warning. HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!
Great job on Jayd's party! It looks fabulous! And who made those beautiful cupcakes? It must have been a pro :)!
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