Here is one of the few pictures we got of Jayda on Christmas morning. She loved pulling everything out of her stocking and mostly unwrapping the presents, rather than playing with all of her new stuff. Gotta love one-year-olds.
Clark got a new sweater (I know, such a typical present. I'm boring), but he liked it and got a few other things too. Such a poser, as in he's posing for the picture.
Grammy Tammy gave us lots of fun new things for Christmas and definitely spoiled the grandkids. Jayda was having lots of fun carrying around her new Elmo books.
Jayda's cousin Audrie likes to help Jayda do things and loved helping her open her Christmas presents. Audrie got lots of fun stuff, but still seemed to be a little jealous of Jayda's new toys. This is a typical scene for the two of them. They love each other.
The most recent tradition in our family is to go to Little America on Christmas morning for their breakfast/brunch buffet. It is delicious and I must say that I quite enjoy this newly adopted tradition. My mom, and Alli, usually stay the night so we can go swimming. My cousins came up and we all had a lot of fun swimming together. Here's Clark and Jayda getting ready for the pool. What a cute couple!
We also went to "Zoo Lights" with Clark's family and had a lot of fun. It was freezing, but really neat to see how many lights they have set up. Jayda had the most fun when we were inside and she could actually see the animals up close.
My mom got Jayda the cutest Sesame Street couch for Christmas. It is adorable and Jayda loves it! She currently uses it mostly as a stepping block to climb up onto the couch and play/wrestle around. But she does like to sit in it to watch her favorite shows (Barney and Sesame Street). So cute!
This couch even pulls out to a bed. It has a little sleeping bag and everything. Jayda was loving it and I get to see her in this position at least once a week, usually with a snack in hand.
Moving beyond Christams, Jayda has learned to LOVE coloring. Pen, crayon, marker, pencil, whatever she can get her hands on, she will draw with. I have been trying to teach her to only color on paper, this is after my pantry door and kitchen drawers were found with pen all over. She does pretty well, although I do rub pen and crayon off of my table quite often.
Jayda also loves bath time! She splashes all over and laughs at herself. She has a little toy that squirts water and thinks it's hilarious to spray water out of the bath tub and onto me. Not my favorite game, but funny still.

Jayda is a typical 16-month-old and gets in to EVERYTHING! It drives me crazy most of the time, but this time, I was playing "make-up" with her after church one day. She wants to be just like me, I guess, because she grabbed the brushes and started applying pretend blush to er cheeks. Love this girl!

And today, I put together a new outfit for Jayda. I've had all of these pieces for months and she's just never worn them together. Oh the simple joys of being a mom, and a woman. Here is Jayda right before church looking cute as ever. She is wearing brown little leggings under that dress and it just made the outfit for me. I love having a girl and hope I get another one real soon...

Meaning, I am pregnant. Most of you probably know, but we are expecting baby Bell number 2! Due date is 9/10/11! Life is busy with work for both Clark and I, and Jayda is definitely a handful. She has realized that a few days a week I leave for work when Clark gets home so now, whenever Clark gets home, she gives him a quick hug, then clings to me. Like seriously CLINGS! Won't let go of my leg, crawls through my legs until I pick her up, won't let me put her down once I do pick her up. It is, again, not my favorite game. Jayda is a sweet girl though. She's very social and loves to be around other kids and other people in general. She's very playful and loves dancing on our bed. I have felt a little guilty because I've been pregnant sick and not able to play with her as much as I would have liked, but I'm feeling a little better now so Jayda is enjoying her mommmy again.
Congratulations on baby #2!!! That is so exciting! I cant wait to hear what you are having! Your little girl is so darling and I love that couch your mom got her for Christmas!
Jayda is so darling! And congrats on baby number 2! You and Clark sure make cute babies!
What your're pregnant?! You never told me...I'm very upset!
I love all the pics, especially the one of Jayd's mohawk! Too cute!
Congratulations! 2 kids are fun and challenging, but seriously the 2nd is easier in the entertainment department because the 1st does it all for you! I got together with Sarajane Z this last week and we were thinking it would be fun to get together email me at ashleehansen(at)gmail(dot)com and we can plan when to get together. It has been a while since I saw you at gardner village
Yay for being pregers! Hope you're feeling well. I love all the pics of Jayda Bear! She is so stinkin cute!
Ok seriously! She is so dang cute! And I think you should 5 more cause you make them so cute!! Isn't Christmas sooo much better with kids?
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