Monday, November 10, 2008

Lake Powell Adventures

We've made it a tradition, in Clark's family, to go to Lake Powell each year for Fall Break, or UEA. This year we had our niece, Audrie, with us so it was extra fun. She loves the boat and the water. She was laughing so hard when her dad was swinging her through the water.

The weather was somewhat warm, but definitely not hot. It was, however, great for fishing. Clark caught two fish while we were there and was pretty excited. Especially because a couple months ago when he went on an actual fishing trip with his uncles, he didn't catch any. Poor Clark.
I didn't get in the water too much, but this was Clark and me right before our wild tube ride. We were laughing and trying to push each other off, when I looked ahead and saw some MASSIVE waves. Instead of my brain telling me to just let go before I hit the waves of death, I gripped harder. I went flying about 8 feet in the air to the left (that's what they tell me) and Clark went to the right. As soon as I got my head above water I checked to see if all my teeth were in their place, then looked for Clark. I had a bloody nose, a cut and bruise on my wrist (where it went into my mouth) and a nice bruise on the inside of my lower lip. And don't forget the whiplash and sore back for the next three days. I didn't get back in the water the rest of the trip. Poor Jamilyn.


Laura said...

Wow, you are one tough girl! What's up with all the injuries you and Clark are experiencing? I love the Husband post!

Trav and Lizzie said...

Yeah you are right... you guys have gotten the crap beaten out of you- I forgot about this chain of events... take it easy, will ya?